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How to Find a Sexual Healing Expert

Laura Zam

Can I Find a Doctor or Therapist to Help Me With My Sex Problems?

Help is out there!

Start speaking about these matters with your own physician or mental health specialist. Often our current doc/shrink is perfectly able to assist us in these matters, but we might not have ever really said what’s going on. This was certainly my own case! I went thirty years having painful sex before I thought to speak about it with a gynecologist.

It’s also possible that your doctor and/or therapist is not very skilled or knowledgable when it comes to your sex challenges. In that case, it behooves you to search for a provider who has specialized training in human sexuality, and your problem(s) in particular. Here is a list of where you might find such a provider.



If you’re looking for a therapist who is not afraid to talk about sex, and knows all about it, then you can find someone through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists. They have a database of therapists and counselors who have been certified through them. If you search for Sexuality Educators, you can also find some physicians who’ve gotten this additional training.



The International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health is a godsend. This organization is at the forefront of training doctors, mental health professionals, researchers, and all kinds of providers in the latest findings, and wisdom, related to women’s sexual health.  You can search their database for professionals affiliated with this organization, And If you don’t have a vagina or vulva, you can check out a related organization, the International Society for the Study of Sexual Medicine,


3. NVA

The National Vulvodynia Association is devoted to helping women (and those with female bits) find resources and relief from many kinds of pelvic pain. They also have a data base of doctors who specialize in these conditions.


4. North American Menopause Society

This organization, similar to the above, has a database of docs. These are doctors that specialize in menopause. Although most gynecologists are trained in the basics on estrogen depletion. Not all doctors have expert knowledge when it comes to sexual issues associated with menopause. The North American Menopause Society has tons of resources on their site as well.


5. Google Your Problem and Doctor (or Therapist)

I know it sounds basic, but many times the most basic solutions are overlooked. If you have a general idea of what your problem is (this may or may not be the case), then Google your condition and the word “doctor,” or “therapist.” You’re sure to find some providers that treat your issue, and also might be writing about it, and doing research.


6. Google Your Problem and City

If you’d like to find someone local, then Google as above, but add your city. I’ve found a ton of great information doing reallly simple searches like this!


There are so many excellent websites (and other tools) geared toward helping you find professionals who are trained and waiting to care for you. If you run into trouble finding the right person, or you feel stuck, you can schedule a Sexual Healing Info Session with me. I’m happy to help.


Warm regards,



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